Top 10
Go Micro is FREE to all outside of the US and Canada. Send your request to For those in the US and Canada, the book is available on Amazon in digital and paperback formats.

Start 2025 with a winner! Go Micro by Greg Ogden was chosen as one of the 10 best books on discipleship published in 2024. Learn how to hand off your faith to the next generation.
"Being a disciple of Jesus is one thing, knowing how to replicate yourself and make more disciples is another." Bobby Harrington, founder of
Go Micro is FREE to all outside of the US and Canada. Send your request to For those in the US and Canada, the book is available on Amazon in two formats (paperback and Kindle).
Each year we are pleased to publish our list of the top 10 books, created by myself [Bobbly Harrington] and my co-worker, Curt Erskine, after researching for the top books, gaining recommendations from Outreach Magazine and our subscribers.
The good news is that discipleship and disciple making are beginning to be discussed openly and regularly within the North American church. Subsequently, more and more books are being written on what it means to be and make disciples of Jesus. There are so many books, in fact, that it can be a little daunting to figure out which books you have time to read.
This year we have decided to divide the Top-Ten list into two categories, Being a Disciple of Jesus and Making Disciples of Jesus. The difference between these two categories has become more apparent as the discussion within the church about discipleship has broadened. Being a disciple of Jesus is one thing, knowing how to replicate yourself and make more disciples is another.
Top 10 Books on Being a Disciple and Making Disciples in 2024 -
Dear Discipleship-first Friends, Each year we are pleased to publish our list of the top 10 books, created by myself and my…

What are the topics covered?

If you are wondering what the difference is between a small group and a micro group and what the benefits of a micro group are, you need to read GO MICRO. In fact, this is another one of those must-read books before you begin to develop a discipleship plan for your church. Greg begins by explaining why disciple making is important, where we went wrong, and then gives a good solution for how to fix the problem. Before developing a groups ministry for your church, read GO MICRO and consider following the model presented by Greg. - Bobby Harrington
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