Where in the World is GO MICRO?

Transforming and Multiplying Disciples of Jesus Through MicroGroups
In partnership with the local church, GDI motivates, equips, and coaches pastors and Christian leaders to establish indigenous, MicroGroup-based disciplemaking churches, both nationally and internationally.
When we place the content of a Biblically-based foundational curriculum (Discipleship Essentials) in the context of the transformational environment of multiplying MicroGroups, we all have the meansfor growing a disciplemaking movement.
Where in the World is GO MICRO GDI?

Discipleship Essentials
World Impact in 32 Translations…and Counting
For more details, email info@globaldi.org.
What is a CMG?
A Coaching MicroGroup (CMG) is our introductory training tool on how to grow healthy multiplying MicroGroups. A CMG is an abbreviated experience of the relational dynamics and key success indicators of a MicroGroup (3-4 pastors and/or principal lay leaders).
Under the guidance of a CMG coach the participants will be prepared through practice to launch their own MicroGroups after approximately 8-12 online weekly sessions. These groups then serve as the foundation of a growing, organic network over time to infuse a disciplemaking culture in your church.
For more information, visit https://www.theglobaldiscipleshipinitiative.org/coaching-microgroups.
What Books Has
Greg Ogden Written?
(All on Amazon)

Discipleship Essentials is our bread-and-butter tool that has been translated into 32 languages. Specifically designed for a MicroGroup experience, we start with the challenge to disciple others and to be a disciple. We encounter core spiritual disciples. Then key doctrines reveal what has Christ done for us by transforming us into who we were created to be. Christ wants to work through us missionally.

Transforming Discipleship is the textbook that explains the need for intentional disciplemaking. This spells out in detail Jesus and Paul’s model for making disciples, and then finally translates their pattern into a workable strategy in the church.

Essential Guide to Becoming a Disciple is a small 8-lesson book as an "on-ramp” to a longer disciplemaking process using Discipleship Essentials. This book attempts to answer the question, "If I want to be a disciple of Jesus, what is expected of me?” It contains 6 lessons on the Great Commission from Matthew 28:18-20, plus two lessons introducing Jesus’ relational approach to making disciples and the MicroGroup as the transformative context.

The Essential Commandment Jesus summed up all the commandments in two: Love God and love your neighbor. In this 12-lesson book we are guided through each element of what it means to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength with 2 lessons on each. Integrally connected, we cannot love God without loving our neighbor. The book concludes with 3 lessons that spell out what neighbor love looks like. Following the MicroGroup strategy, relationships grow deep in the heart.

Leadership Essentials builds on the foundation of Discipleship Essentials since leaders are made from committed disciples. To make leaders we cannot skip the step of growing intentional disciples. Leadership Essentials features four aspects of biblical leadership: This book covers in 3 lessons each: the character, posture, vision, and shaping of a leader. Great to use with leadership boards.

GO MICRO is a simplified version of Transforming Discipleship. With practical application coaching questions, we can evaluate our current status in our church to see what needs to change. Alignment with the Word of God and The Great Commission means that we will not live the great omission. Free to all outside the USA and Canada by emailing gomicro@globaldi.org.
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